Cloud benchmarks

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This page contains the software and data presented in the following paper:

  • "Benchmarking Personal Cloud Storage" by Idilio Drago, Enrico Bocchi, Marco Mellia, Herman Slatman and Aiko Pras. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM Internet Measurement Conference. IMC 2013.

This paper is a continuation of our work on personal cloud storage. Previous results can be found on this page and on this page.

Benchmarks Scripts

The scripts are written in python. Further documentation about the scripts will be made available soon.

Acceptable Use Policy

  • When writing a paper using software or data from this page, please cite:
   author        = {Idilio Drago and Enrico Bocchi and Marco Mellia and Herman Slatman and Aiko Pras},
   title         = {Benchmarking Personal Cloud Storage},
   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the 13th ACM Internet Measurement Conference},
   series        = {IMC'13},
   year          = {2013}

Paper abstract

Personal cloud storage services are data-intensive applications already producing a significant share of Internet traffic. Several solutions offered by different companies attract more and more people. However, little is known about each service capabilities, architecture and - most of all - performance implications of design choices. This paper presents a methodology to study cloud storage services. We apply our methodology to compare 5 popular offers, revealing different system architectures and capabilities. The implications on performance of different designs are assessed executing a series of benchmarks. Our results show no clear winner, with all services suffering from some limitations or having potential for improvement. In some scenarios, the upload of the same file set can take seven times more, wasting twice as much capacity. Our methodology and results are useful thus as both benchmark and guideline for system design.